Andre Lebel
Project Geophysicist
Whitehorse, YT

B.Sc. Geophysics, P.Geo
With over 15 years of experience, Andre will bring his extensive knowledge to any project.
Andre holds a B.Sc in Geophysics from the University of Alberta, graduating in 2006. Andre started with Aurora in 2004 as a summer student and worked as geo- technician for two summers before joining full-time after graduation. Andre has performed surveys, led crews, and processed data of many geophysical techniques including ground and down hole induced polarization, total magnetic field, gravity, capacitively coupled resistivity, ground penetrating radar, refraction seismic, fixed and moving loop PROTEM, and horizontal loop electrical magnetics. Andre has worked in many jurisdictions in Canada and the USA and is familiar with the geology and geophysical signatures of many different mineral deposit types.
Find Us
3506 McDonald Dr.
Yellowknife, NT
X1A 2H1
34A Laberge Rd.
Whitehorse, YT
Y1A 5Y9
Juneau, AK
United States